maandag 15 juli 2013


First published in Dutch August 21, 2012

It occurs to me that since I operate as Yara March, I do a lot of things I never dare before. Scary and eerie. I wonder what makes the difference. Before I felt tension coming from fear, now it feels more as the excitement coming from gruesome curiosity.

There are people who enjoy to see a horror picture. For me those kinds of pictures are just a bit too scary.

I still remember that I was looking a picture at the telly early in the evening. Surrealistic and a bit of film noire. French of course. It was early in the evening and still light outside. The kids were already sleeping, my husband had a late night meeting.

At the end of the picture it was already dark out/ and inside. De trees outside showed their moving shades in the flickering light of the television. The end of the picture was scary. That evening I had all the ingredients for a really scary evening full of suspense. And at that moment a mouse chose to come somewhere out of the ceiling and walked its way down the wall.

That was too much for me. I didn´t dare to move any more. Not even to go and put thee lights on. How long I was in that vegetative state, I don´t know. On a certain time I took the phone and rang my best friend. After I explained the situation, almost all my fear disappeared as she laughed out loud. Still holding the phone I walked to the switch of the light and with the light the rest of my fear disappeared.
Normally I am never afraid of mice. It was just the combination, darkness, scary picture, being alone and then a mouse walking along the wall...It could have been a serial killer so scared I felt.

I think it was the last time I looked at a scary movie.

For Yara it is not scary at all. She enjoys excitement and for her all those scary moves are fun. She loves to get lovely scared and so she is never really scared. It is nothing more than enjoying getting scared.

It feels good, just like it feels good to get tensed when you read a good book. You want to know how it ends, even if you think you know it already. The satisfaction it gives when it turns out you´re right. The same enjoyable tension I have, when I read my books again. And even that I know already how it ends; it still gives me that pleasurable tension.

A little bit of tension belongs to a book. Makes fun. Pleasurable tension also belongs to my intentions to get my books published.

I know that they will, there are too many readers waiting for them.

Only how it is going to happen­? How does publishing work? Which agent or publisher is the right one for my books? Which combination is bulls’ eye? Still more questions then answers. That gives that agreeable tension. I am so curious.

The next months, step by step, I will get my answers. So do you by following me by reading my blogs.

Are you just as I am, also curious when ‘Cupcakes and a koffer’ (Dangerous Cupcakes) and my other books will be available in the bookstore? Stay with this series of blogs. You get your answers, and more, soon.

As a regular reader you know you can play the main the making of …Yara March. How?  Read about it in :

In the meantime maybe I should go to see a scary movie. But only together with Yara.

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