maandag 1 juli 2013

Questions about language

First published in Dutch August 17, 2012
Liever de Nederlandse versie lezen?:

Yesterday my love started to read my book. I am curious about his reaction. Especially his reaction at the prologue. It is the only part of the book I have doubts about. There is something wrong, but I can't tell what it is, that is wrong.

He knows it. Immediately. So yesterday I started to rewrite. And again I loved it. In the end I even am satisfied. So my love is too.

I also have the answer at my doubts if I was ready for criticism. I am. I don't care. I even skipped some sentences. Even those I was proud of. Proud at the words I found and that suit so well. But in the new context they don't fit anymore. I am glad there are more well found words in the book. I can't use those words in this book, but maybe I can in the next.

Language is weird. In one of my former blogs, I already told you I sometimes remember the most beautifull (not oldfashined but) vintage words. It still feels heroic to use those words in my book.      
And when I am honest, I am proud as the corrector says 'oldfashioned'. Again I resqued a word. It will not be forgotten!

Translation from Dutch to English is even more difficult. In the original Dutch blog I told something about modern language. The example I gave doesn't exist as a problem in the English language. There are a lot of Dutch phrases, you never heard of in English. Talking English is easier because I don't have to translate a phrase, because I don't use it when talking. Did you ever try to translate with google? It isn't even funny.

Sometimes I think, I shouldn't translate my blogs. My English is too bad, to give you a good idea of my writing. But when I start a thing, I will end it too. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy reading my blogs. Let me know if you do.

Of course I will give my book to a professional translator. You can enjoy reading it even more.

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