donderdag 27 juni 2013

Euforia or the music still going on

First published in Dutch August 12, 2012
Liever in het Nederlands lezen?

Yesterday we ate a very, very, very late barbecue.

It took the whole day to do the last corrections on ‘Dangerous Cupcakes’.

It was the first time I read the last thirty-five pages. Before I knew the story caught me. My teeth were curling from excitement. I recognized the same reaction, I always have when I almost finish reading the book. I can’t stop and are curious how it ends.

That is curious, because I write it myself. Of course in every love story you know that in the end they finally will be together. Still every story is exciting again. The excitement is ‘how’ they find each other.

I noticed, that I was anxious to know ‘how’ they got each other. When happened what and where in the story? I hardly could stop reading to correct the text. And when I couldn’t stop reading for necessary improvements of the story, why should I stop for such earthly thing as eating?

So a late barbecue, at the same time I feel euphoria. ‘Dangerous Cupcakes’ finally comes to the end. The last few hours I was excited to reach the end. I felt touched by certain scenes and I felt very satisfied.

This morning I woke up and knew exactly which words needed to be improved. Yesterday I was so anxious to finish reading, that I overlooked some minor mistakes. Today I really finished it. The last words, the thanks, the quotations. And I am singing, singing the two songs that are just so right for this book: ‘Dream a little Dream’ and ‘When you’re smiling’.

With thanks to mr. Louis Armstrong and mrs. Ella Fitzgerald with ‘Dream a little Dream’ the book found it’s theme.


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