zaterdag 29 juni 2013

Long live the bookstore

I love travelling. The best of it is my urge to write as soon as I arrive on the plane. New blogs, the translation of the old ones or going on with by latest book. I don’t care. I only want to write. The flight is always too short. So I didn’t care at all when my husband told me he has to go to Barcelona in Spain for his work. Because I was allowed to travel with him!

Today at the airport I was pleased to take my computer out of my backpack. Then it hit me. As well my computer glasses as my reading glasses were still at home at the table. For a moment I thought that I would not be able to write. But I was lucky. I had still more than an hour to go before my plane would leave.

I went to the information desk at Schiphol airport and a very friendly lady thought that I could by some glasses in the bookstore. I wouldn’t think about that myself. But it feels logic.

In the bookstore I met another friendly lady. She brought me to the display where a lot of glasses smiled to me. I was glad that the glasses had colour codes for the strength; I couldn’t read the numbers at all. But as always there was too much choice for me. If there is one thing I can’t, than it is making a choice. And my husband wasn’t there to make the choice for me (he was still watching our luggage). They were also packed in plastic, so I couldn’t look how they fit with my face. Of course it was just a few Euro glasses, but even they have to fit!

I think that nice lady of the store didn’t mind to get the two pairs of glasses out of the plastic. Normally everything is shining like a mirror in such a store. Not here. Not the computer screen, not the front of the cash register, even not the glass windows. But then I saw a display case. That I could see it now, didn’t help at all. I liked them both.

For a moment I wanted to buy them both. In a crises good for the economy. The solution from my husband: buy them both He knows already that he cannot make the right choice. He would hear the for of years, that I liked the other glasses better. (Yes guys even with such  cheap glasses I would, but ladies you understand why, isn’t it?) But there are already so many glasses everywhere in the house, that wouldn’t be good for the environment.

I think that nice lady has the same problem as I have. She was very willing to look with me. But she couldn’t make the choice too. She also liked them both. We both decided that the most practical should win. A thick book made the decision. One of the two glasses proves to be the best.

Lucky with my new glasses I even get more lucky. I saw a new format book I never saw before. Maybe also good for the release of my own book.

I knew before that the bookstore is great to choose books, but now it helps me read too.

P.S. As t’s a pity. I liked them! I write this blog, my glasses are broke already. The screw fell out. So I type with leaning glasses. I

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